Services We Offer

Tenet Security Group is able to provide uniformed resources to supplement by-law enforcement efforts, and act as security agents on behalf of your municipality. Below are some of the services we can provide.

Bylaw Enforcement

We will augment current bylaw compliance efforts as we will provide a uniformed presence to address concerns through awareness and education, with the goal of finding an informal resolution, and as a last resort, to lay any applicable charges.

Parking Enforcement

Our team of friendly and experienced officers will provide services that range from issuance of non-fee notices to fee-based municipal tickets. We pride ourselves in professionalism while providing a fair and equitable enforcement service.

Uniformed Security Presence

We will provide uniformed security resources for the protection of property and incident response with a strong emphasis on providing outstanding customer service.    

Community Security Patrols​

We will conduct patrols of municipal owned or governed property to monitor for, and prevent unlawful or unauthorized activities to ensure a safe, quiet, and pleasant environment. We will also continually assess the current environment we find ourselves in with an eye to Crime Prevention and possible mitigation strategies. We will, at every opportunity, positively engage community members to instill a sense of safety and security.

Community Engagement

We will liaise with municipal leadership, and the local Business Improvement Association and any other community organization, including the local police, to develop and support crime and harm reduction strategies.

Documentation & Reporting

We have experience in incident/investigation documentation and reporting according to industry standards and practices. We will provide a written record of all actions taken according to the needs of the municipality and local courts.

Contact Tenet Security Group Today!

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